Running in place is a strange concept. It would seem that the very idea of running involves going somewhere. To be running in place seems to be almost a self defeating idea, but yet it can still happen. It seems as if that is what I am doing right now, is running in place. I don’t know if you have ever felt like me, that you are trying to get somewhere and seem to be, only to realize that there are parts of your life that aren’t adding up to what they should? I have been struggling a lot lately with a lot of different issues. Some of the stuff has been very natural, like feeling like I am unable to accomplish what I need to, not having the intimate relationships that I should be cultivating, and especially not focusing on God. It is like I am starting to get my feet under me and starting run right now. I am not blindly throwing myself hopping to finish my tasks. I feel like I can start to run again, but even though this is happening I do not think that I will be able to go anywhere. Because my relationship with God is lacking, consistency and time, I am running in place. I am not going anywhere. I just haven’t had the focus or passion for God. I have barely picked up my bible, lost my place in the book I’m reading, and not had a study topic for ages. I MUST find a way to get out of my routine and rut, and start to focus on God, if I am going to survive in this life. I don’t really know what I need to do, but I know I need to stir myself up and encourage myself in the Lord like David. But what that looks like I am not exactly sure. I am just glad and encouraged that He has given me the grace to notice the position of my life.