I guess that today would be just another day at Jubilee. I don’t know if that means any sort of average day. Almost no day out there is the same, nor what most would call average. To preface you I guess I’ll tell you how my day started. I woke up early, around eight something. Normally that is not too early for me, but this morning it must be counted as early. I didn’t go to sleep last night until about four in the morning, only giving a little bit more that four hours of sleep. Well, I woke up but did it slowly. First I went and laid down on the couch, turning the TV on for background noise. A wile later, I got up and ate breakfast (granola, yogurt, frozen blue barriers, homemade jam, and even a little peanut butter). This is actually a really good concoction. After my hearty meal, I moved on to the reason I woke up so early in the first place. I had to do some homework, a journal entry of my Inter Cultural Studies Class that I had forgotten previously to do. After completing my homework, and doing some quick sprucing up of the house I was off to
Starbucks. I like to go there to read, or write and spend money rather then doing the same at home with much cheaper coffee. It was there that I go some much needed journaling done. I just have had a lot on my mind and heart, and had to put life to paper and get it out. I also got a triple shot coffee, in preparation of the day ahead. Getting into my car, running about fifteen minutes behind for work I rushed off onto the freeway. My drive is about 50 minutes, but I made it a bit quicker this morning. I love my long commutes sometimes. Normally I just listen to
Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me, a interesting quiz on the news. Well, this morning I just plugged in a worship CD and didn’t,
Jason Upton (my favorite artist right now, check the site he has his music up that can be listened to). My morning at Jubilee started off well, I took a family up to the barn to see the animals (we have lots of different animals). I was a neat connection to, the mom had a lot of connection with The
Master’s Commission so we spent a lot of time talking about that. Then I went to the dorm for supervision. Everything in the dorm can change in a moments notice. I got hit were it counts by a shoe thrown by a student. I was ok, after a bit but I instantly had a bunch of anger build up in me. We also went on lockdown. Some kid, smeared poop around a stall in the bathroom. Oh, how one kid can ruin thing for all the rest of them. Later on we had another kid trip on a vacuum and badly bruise his ribs. Tom, one of my coworkers took him to the hospital. I felt like God told me to fast the next day. We had two students run away, one of them came back a few hours latter saying that he was just helping his friend get out because he couldn’t take it anymore. It was definitely an interesting night, but I still had fun.