Technology, does it really make life easer
One thing that I do now more then before, is chatting online using MSN or Yahoo’s messenger. You can contact me at (for MSN) or

Recently, I have just purchased “The Coolest Thing Ever” a brand new Tablet PC. I can get on it anywhere. Currently I am writing this at CBC’s campus, witing on a lock smith to come and unlock my car door (so stupid). But it can be very distracting to be able to use my computer whenever, and I worry that it could effect relationships. I can get on my computer and time just disappears, and it is not so relationally building time, although sometimes it can be. During school weeks, frequently I come, sit down on the easy chair, open my computer and not really get off until I go to bed. I do get up and eat dinner with my mom (usually sitting and talking for a while after words) and occasionally have to use the bathroom (washroom for Canadians). Now, to be fair, a lot of this time is spent doing homework, but I do also easily get distracted. A few days ago, I was thinking about his habit and wondering how it makes my mom feel and what type of relationship I am building with her. Is this consistent thing that I am doing creating a habit in my life? It scares me a bit to think about someday, when I get married (hopefully) and have wife will I be doing something similar. The habits that I build and allow to take precedent in my life now, will carry on to when I get married and if they don’t get dealt with then will get passed on to my kids. It is a disgusting thought to me, that I could only come home and not really pay attention to those I love. I want to be somebody that engages life (and I do a lot of stuff, and don’t just live on my computer). But what will my life be like? Will I be engaging and romancing my wife…or will I be bogged down by work, trying to get more done then what my 9-5 allows.
Another new piece of technology that I recently acquired is a cell phone. This has disrupted my life in a number of ways. The biggest change is the money required. I end up talking on the phone for more then my allotted minutes (frequently doubling my bill). I recently had to raise the number of minutes that I am allowed, so that I don’t have to keep paying extreme overage charges. In using my cell, I handle a lot business and make a lot of short phone conversations to friends. I also talk to one of my best friends for a lot longer periods of time. I can end up talking to her for over an hour easily. I am glad to pay the cost to use the cell phone, because I figure that it should be useful and used as needed not under the minutes. Not only is it expensive to have a cell phone, it too, can be very distracting. With all of these technologies there is pros and cons. I will continue to utilize the technologies in my life and dream about the ones I wish I could have, but someday who knows maybe I will want to live a life of simplicity.