God loves to come and change our perspective. I was praying the other night, and I started to pray about God coming and changing me. I so often feel so much less then what God has called me to. Like I’m not quite there yet, but I know that he is calling me upwards. Like he is saying to come up where he is, and yet at the same time I keep falling short. The thing is that it’s not only him that is waiting for me to make it. Romans eight says that all creation is in earnest expectation for the mature sons of God to be revealed. Here is how the amplified bible puts it.
For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship].
Well, this scripture has been on my mind a lot. I know that God is calling us to come and shine like the stares, but I don’t feel like I can make it. So that is what I have been praying about lately (among other things). When I was praying I started telling the Holy Spirit that He had people to come and impress. When I prayed that I stopped and thought about it. I thought about that word as if it was a bad word. As if I was saying that I was supposed to be fake and try to live for people. As I thought about it more, I realized that it wasn’t a bad word. The word impress also means to press in like a stamp, to make an image of. If you imagine a ball of clay, and putting your hand into it and making a hand image, that image is an impression of your hand. I realized what I was praying was not a “bad” word, but really a great thing. That God would use me to make an impression of him in peoples lives. Although I continually fall short, I still have the desire to be used. I know that if we keep working and pressing into him, that we will reach that point of being Gods mature sons. He is waiting to reveal us, in His timing. I don’t know if you can feel it, but there is an a waiting of all creation for it.