Working this weekend… well first I will tell you that it was a bit crazy. I worked Saturday (New Years Eve), until 2am. Then I checked my email, and went into the next room of the office in the dorm and went to sleep on the couch. I woke up four hours later, put cloths on… put my stuff away in my bag and started working again. So then I worked from 7:30am until 1am the next morning… 17.5 hours. A little bit of a long day I would say. But it was not too bad. All that is not what I really wanted to write about, I guess it is just a pre-curser to the story. I got to take the students into town for church. This was really good, I enjoyed the service (we went to Solid Rock), but I think I was more blessed by the ride. I got to ride, and talk with one of my fellow staff members Alex. We got into some really good discussions. One of the things that we got onto talking about was relationships. He was describing the relationship that he has with his wife and it just seemed right. They both go and do ministry together. They’re a team. I know that this may sound obvious too most of you… but getting to talk to him what it is practically like was just awesome. That is what it is supposed to be about. He was sharing his testimony, and talking about going into some pretty bad places and ministering. He has been through a lot of the world… on the worse side of it, where his wife grew up in the church. But they still go and minister in these places. He also encouraged me about becoming a father… something I know that I am excited for, but also wonder because I grew up without one. What does it mean to have a family? I am not exactly sure what it is supposed to look like, and he told me that he wasn’t either. But God has been blessing him. I don’t know, maybe I’m just wishing and sentimental or something… but I was just blessed by God’s plan for us.