God sometimes tears down before he can build up
I guess I have had a couple of building up experiences, and cool stuff that has happened since I’ve gotten to move into the residential hall’s at Eastern. I’ve gotten to make some friends and people that I am sure I will hang out with a lot this next year. I’ve had some interesting conversations about God. So that has been good. It has also been really good getting to be back at my home Church, it really feels like home. I also had a sort of tearing down experience. I went to Zips, which is open 24/7 with free wireless… perfect college student hang out. It was about 1 in the morning, so there were interesting people there. I had two guys come up to me and ask me about my sweatshirt that I was wearing. It says that I’m “Recycled, due to 2 Cor 5:17.”
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

I didn’t even know how to respond to a comment about my cool Christian shirt. He invited me to go to a party the next night. He even told me I could drink for free if I brought two chicks. I’m believing that God wants to use even that, to make me more secure in him and able to be used more.