My Life

Friday, January 05, 2007

News flash, don’t believe everything you read online

In searching for money for school next year, I have come to decide that there at least 14 scholarships that I will be applying for this year. Whew, I have a lot of reports to write… dang. I was attempting to be somewhat productive and start writing on the scholarship that is due coming up. I had remembered a quote that I had heard one time

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing

Upon doing a Google search on just such a topic, the first response I came upon was an article by a gentleman, Martin Porter, that is an essay about web quotations. I found it interesting. There a many different quotes that are attributed to Edmund Burke. Not only does everybody quote Burke differently, but there is no resources that show where the real quote if from (ie, to go back to the paper version).



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