My Life

Friday, January 11, 2008

Road Rage

If you know me very well, you probably see me as a very laid back doesn't get angry very easy kind of person. This is generally true, although I suffered from some road rage earlier today. My anger was all focused on the snow though, and not really on any other drivers. I was heading to a meeting a the Juvenile, a place that rarely has parking close to the building. I was happy with myself, I was actually getting there early enough to find parking and make it to my meeting before it actually started. Driving down Broadway, I saw a spot on the other side of the road. When I tried flipping a U-y, my car got stuck in the snow. I proceeded to floor the engine in both first and reverse for the next 10 or so minutes. I was getting no where, except closer to the sidewalk and looming pole. During that whole time my spot stayed open, taunting me to get out of my rut. When I was finally able to break free, a car pulls up and goes for my spot. I was late, stuck in the snow for way too long, my spot was stolen and I had to find a new space. It made for an interesting morning to say the least.



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