My Life

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


For the first few weeks of Philosophy class it seemed that their was a group of us that would always gravitate to talking after class was over. The conversation usually went from Philosophy to many other subjects. Well, I've just talked that this is our philosophy after class discussion group (PACDG for short... although I just made that up now). I really enjoy our time, and sometimes it last a while, well over an hour. Well today was no exception. We started off talking about Freedom vs. Determinism, and moved into the debate between John Calvin and the view of those who follow more closely to Jacob Arminius. I found out that I am closer to Arminius. I did a little searching online to find resources about both of these ideas. I have not had a chance to study each of them very completely, but they seem very good. For John Calvin's and for Jacob Arminius. Other then having some interesting debate, and discussion, something else really cool happened. We were talking about souls, and a bunch of classes had let out. Well, a guy A, just stopped and started to listen to us. I introduced myself, and we invited him into the conversation. He said that he was interested in our conversation because he to believed in souls. I thought this was interesting and pursued what he meant by that. We A described a kind of Buddhist understanding of Reincarnation. So we talked a little bit more, and even went into a little about Nirvana (not the band). This being a way for humans to gain a kind of perfection. We got to talk about human depravity, and the fact that we can never reach a place like this, and the fact that when we die we are judged for our actions on earth, not turned into some other person or animal. Dan also had a track to give to A. All in all, I believe that we got to sow some awesome seeds in A's life. I just think that it is so cool that even having a conversation with some friends can lead to a conversation with some non-believers.


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