It seems to me that I have so many idea’s and stuff running though my head sometimes, that I just have to write it down. If I don’t write my ideas down, then they are lost driven into oblivion. My predicament may sound similar to Leonard’s in
Memento. So here are some of the things I’ve been thinking about. I stayed after school late today, to be a part of a scrapbooking club meeting. I’m not much of a scrapbooker, but I have one that my mom started for me. The pics need to be updated, because I don’t have anything more current then three years ago. I also want to create one for my dad, a kind of memorial. I have a bunch of his stuff, and I want to put it all together. This has led me to think about getting my own website too. I don’t know what all I would put on there, but here are a few things; a memory to my dad filled with his pics and letters, my blog, what ever else comes along that I could want to do. This is a ways down the road, but I have been thinking about it quite a few different times lately. I want to get a quality one… that will probably cost some bucks. It’s relitivly cheap, only about $20-30 per month, and $10 per year for the domain name. But this is money that I cannot faithfully give every month. In thinking about this, I went into school and scanned some of his drawings. I really like this one. I will only post one today, but sometime you can probably expect to see more of his Drawings.
I have also been working a lot on Spanish, and learning Spanish. I also started thinking that I would like to maybe have a blog that I sometimes write in Spanish to, or on this one. I feel much more confident about writing Spanish, then I do to speaking it. But I guess that it will all come with time. I have also been thinking about up keeping things that I want to do with my blog. Blogger seems to have been messed up lately. I tried changing my comment format, to
Haloscan’s comments. This would also allow for trackbacks. I’m also trying to make my previous posts be in a drop down box. I am having a lot of trouble with that. I can create the form, but then I don’t know how to manipulate it to be how I want it. I am trying to give it a fixed width, but I can’t figure out how to do that. Maybe it’s just something simple, but I still can’t get it. And most recently, like as of now… I am thinking about sleeping