I've done this just for you. I found it on the web at some diffrent peoples sites, and I thought that you might like it. I've added Haloscan Comments. I think they are way better. I will post something about how to trackback soon to, but I think I need to go to sleep. I have to go to work tommorow, but atleast it's not in the morning. It took me well over an hour tonight to get everything working for the comments. I'm actually worried that they won't work now. The whole problem is I started out trying to do it myself, and then I tryed to have Haloscan install it'self. Didn't work out so well. Well then i moved on, and started over, and I changed some formating stuff (hopefully I will not lose my formating if I change stuff again) and I had to reload Haloscan. It has been a bit of a pain getting it set up, and I am worried about the future. I guess that is a risk I am willing to take. Also, please comment on if you like the new comment feature.